We held our MESSY CHURCH in December and who knew that our Vicars were such a talented group? The large numbers of families who joined in the ‘Pilgrimage to (Creigiau’s) Bethlehem‘ had first hand evidence of it, when Rev’d Sandra (dressed as an angel), led the pilgrimage procession from the Church Hall (with children and parents dressed in Nativity costumes, carrying lanterns and stars) to the birthplace of Jesus (the outdoor classroom, dressed for the occasion with the traditional Nativity scene).
Rev’d Edward marshalled the rear of the pilgrims, nattily dressed as a donkey (such a sport).
After some hearty carol singing, the crowd flooded into the Scout hut to observe an impromptu Nativity play, acted by our adult ‘volunteers’ (it is hard to say ‘no’ when a script is shoved into your hand and you are ‘on‘ in twenty minutes)
Rev’d Ruth excelled herself as both a detective (don’t ask!) and a shepherd. All were amazed that the play held the attention of everyone throughout. After an excellent Carol singing tea, the Kings distributed Christmas presents to all who were aged under 12 years old. It was such fun! Many of us were conscious of the presence of the Holy Spirit during December’s Messy Church.
Thank you to all who pray for Messy Church outreach, to the multi-talented Vicars and to the volunteers. Our special thanks to Andrew and Ruth Davies who spent many hours preparing, erecting and illuminating the outdoor Nativity scene and also for the idea for this particular project, which was a wonderful witness for the Garth Ministry Area