Christ Church, Radyr

Exterior of Christ Church, Radyr

New Organ for Christ Church

Christ Church urgently needs a new organ as the existing one is over 40 years old and is starting to fail. The cost is nearly £18K. Can you help by donating to the ‘New Organ Fund’? It will make a huge difference to services and other events. Here is how you can do it:

  1. By using blue Gift Aid envelopes stamped “Organ Appeal” which are available by the porch door. Cheques should be made payable to “Garth Ministry Area – Christ Church”.
  2. By bank transfer and please email Mike Gill, (, Ministry Area Treasurer, for details of the bank account and to receive a Gift Aid declaration form.

Newly Finished Church in Black and White

Christ Church 120

2024 sees 120 years since the first service in the Nave at Easter 1904.

A series of events are planned to celebrate this long running Christian presence in the area.

Read more about 120 years at Christ Church

Wedding couple


Planning a wedding?

Book your big day at Church and find out about the options we offer for your service.

Book your big day today


Christ Church is the larger and more recent of the two church buildings in the former Parish of Radyr, though designed in traditional style. It was built at the beginning of the 20th century to meet the spiritual needs of the growing communities of Radyr and Morganstown. Christ Church was designed by George Halliday, Llandaff Diocesan Surveyor, and built on land given by Lord Windsor. It is a listed building.

Live Streaming of Worship at Christ Church

Christ Church has a camera system installed which means it is possible for us to live-stream to our YouTube Channel and record services. Camera angles have been chosen specifically to safeguard your privacy but your image may be captured at various times. If this is a problem, please speak to the stewards on arrival who can then place you in a suitable position in the church.



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