St David’s Church, Groesfaen

Exterior of St Davids

Baptism at the font


The baptism of a child, sometimes called a Christening, recognises that every child is a previous gift, made in God’s image and likeness.

We would love to help organise a baptism with you, which is open to anyone at any stage in life.

Talk to us about a Baptism

Messy Church

Messy Church

Messy Church is a new and interactive way of ‘doing church’. It involves activities followed by a short celebration, then sharing a complementary meal together. Messy Church will usually happen on the Third Sunday of the Month at Creigiau Church Hall, starting at 4.00pm and lasting just over an hour.

Creigiau Community Market

Creigiau Community Market

Spring is here and it’s time for our next Community Market. Please come along this coming Saturday: May 11th in the Church Hall, Creigiau, 9am to 1pm. Choose from artisan breads, organic meat, local honey, eggs, artisan cheeses and cakes. Also, ‘No waste living’ and a wide range of craft stalls.

Cafe Coffi and Bacon Butties before 11am, so get there early!

Reverend Ruth Coombs will be in attendance.


Saint David’s Church, Groesfaen was consecrated in AD 1892 by the Bishop of Llandaff, and is the “daughter church” of St. Catwg’s in Pentyrch. There is an hypothesis that the Church was built by the local gentry to rival the church built by Judge Gwylym Rhys-Williams in Miskin. The Dunnes of Croffta and the Martens from Henstaff Court were the benefactors. St David’s serves as the Parish Church of Creigiau as well as Groesfaen. 



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