Messy Church (February) – Creigiau Church Hall

Our next Messy Church will be coming soon on Sunday 16th February, 4-5:30 pm.

Our focus will be on love and forgiveness from the story in Luke chapter 7 verses 36- 50. What did Jesus say? Jesus said ‘I forgive you‘.

There will be numerous craft activities available for children which all arise out of different aspects of the story and will include: fun foot washing and painting!; making woven placemats; creating ‘love you‘ cards with chocolate hearts (as Valentine’s Day is close by!); crafting lavender/pot-  pourri bags; an Imagination activity – Imagine that Jesus was coming to your house to visit: create and draw a special meal to serve to Jesus.

This MESSY will include our famous, free, AFTERNOON TEA.

Messy Church