What a wonderful Advent and Christmas journey we had throughout the MA. Choosing just a few of our special services from across the MA:
We had an atmospheric musical treat as we journeyed for darkness to light on Advent Sunday in Christ Church; a visit from each class in Danescourt Primary School to decorate their Christmas trees and hear the story of Jesus’ birth; Members of the Congregation from St Mary’s St Fagans enjoyed a visit to St Fagan’s CinW Primary School, to help each child make a Christingle; A very talented production based on How the Grinch Stole Christmas from our Sunday School in Tongwynlais, reminded us of the real meaning of Christmas; A carol Service in St Mary and St James, Taff’s Wells with guest musicians and percussion instruments for all and a selection of thought provoking readings; At Messy Church in Creigiau Church Hall we journeyed to Bethlehem and throughly enjoyed our Open Doors Nativity Script from Scratch with a 7 day old baby Jesus who slept peacefully throughout; We welcomed families from the new estates at a packed carol service in St Ellteyrn’s; At St David’s we had the strongest numbers of families post-Covid, along with a vastly resurgent attendance at Midnight mass in St Catwg’s giving us so much confidence for the future; Then to draw our celebratory season together we were blessed to worship as a united Garth Ministry Area on the Sunday after Christmas. It was so joyful to share a Eucharist Service with people from across the whole MA.
Looking forward our Epiphany season draws to a close with Candlemas on the 2nd February and this will be marked in several of our churches with a Christingle service. Please see detail in this edition of Joyful Noise. Although Easter is later this year, as a clergy team we are already making plans for the season of Lent and Easter, so please keep an eye on our Newsletter for opportunities to walk with Jesus to the cross and into his resurrection. Finally, you will see that we have a date for a confirmation service on the 4th May. Please speak to one of the clergy is you wish to discuss taking the offer of confirmation by Bishop Mary.
With all my thanks, love and prayers
Revd Sandra Birdsall
Ministry Area Leader for the Garth MA
Llandaff Diocesan Mothers Union Chaplain