Christmas Services across The Garth Ministry Area

Please see below the full list of Christmas Services for 2024.

A warm welcome to all at any of our special services across the Ministry Area during this festive season.

The busy weeks of preparation before Christmas seem to get earlier and earlier every year which leaves us ever more exhausted by the time we come to Christmas Day itself.
When we do manage to think about the origins of our celebrations we begin to empathise with Mary and Joseph as they walk the ninety miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem. But this ordinary couple had an extraordinary motivation to keep them going. They knew that Mary carried all the Glory of God in the most precious child kept safe within her until the time was

Within the Garth Ministry Area we have a variety of different opportunities to reenergise ourselves with the same awesome knowledge. From a MA wide Advent Light to Darkness service to our celebratory Christmas morning services, traditional Carol services to Crib Services, Nativity Plays to the atmospheric First Eucharists of Christmas in the darkness of Christmas Eve.

We extend an invitation to all in our local communities to come and catch a glimpse of the Glory of our God who loved us so much that he left the heights of heaven to live the ordinary life of a poor carpenter’s Son.

On Behalf of the Ministry Area Council the Clergy of the Garth Ministry Area wish you A Very Blessed Advent and Christmas.

Rev’d Sandra Birdsall
Ministry Area Leader for the Garth MA
Llandaff Diocesan Mothers Union Chaplain

Christmas Events

There are no upcoming events.