WAITING REVISITED (a series of talks and prayers for Lent 2024)

Person in purple jumper bored of waitingWaiting Revisited is a series of talks and prayers for Lent 2024 with Rev’d Lindsay Ford. They will take place over four consecutive Tuesdays (20 & 27 February and 5 & 12 March 2024) in Christ Church, Radyr at 10.30am to Noon. Please also see the Website Calendar.

Session Details

Session 1 – Introduction – Why waiting?

Tuesday 20 February

With references to St. John of the Cross, Wordsworth, Bernard of Clairvaux

Waiting… A waste of time

Lamentations 3, 21-26
Psalm 62, 5 and 6
References: John Milton, Richard Holloway, R.S. Thomas, Psalms 37 and 130, Henri Nouwen

Session 2 – The Geology of Time

Tuesday 27 February

Ecclesiastes 3
References: Stephen Cherry, Carlo Rovelli, Einstein, Salvador Dali, T.S. Eliot, Gwenallt, Stephen Hawking, R.S. Thomas, St. Augustine

Session 3 – Love in the Waiting

Tuesday 5 March

Luke 15, 11-32 Mark 14, 32-42
References: T.S. Eliot, R.S. Thomas, George Herbert, Simone Well, Dostoevsky, W.H. Vanstone, Samuel Beckett

Session 4 – Waiting Alone

Tuesday 12 March

Beatles’ song 1966 ‘Eleanor Rigby’
References: Ruth Burrows, Rowan Williams, Charles de Foucauld, Thomas Merton, Henri Nouwen

Further Information

For further information please contact Rev. Lindsay Ford
