Service Times

Every service takes a different approach to worship but each carries, in its own way, the consistent message of faith, hope and forgiveness.

In addition to our usual pattern, set out below. Special Services for particular high days and other occasions celebrated at Christ Church, Radyr are shown in the Church Calendar.


8.00am – Holy Eucharist for those who wish to start the day with a quiet, peaceful service.

11.00am – Sung Eucharist with Sunday Club for children. Children are in church at the beginning and end of the service when they join in the Eucharist and share their learning with the adults. This service will normally be live streamed on our YouTube channel – see below. The service is followed by refreshments and a chance to meet others.


Wednesdays at 9.30am – Holy Eucharist service in the Lady Chapel followed by coffee.

Camera System in Christ Church

Christ Church has a camera system installed which means it is possible for us to live-stream and record services. Camera angles have been chosen specifically to  safeguard your privacy but your image may be captured at various times. If this is a problem, please speak to the stewards on arrival who can then place you in a suitable position in the church.