Mothers’ Union: ‘Rise Up’ Against Domestic Abuse

The Mothers’ Union currently have a campaign to raise awareness about domestic abuse across the Britain and Ireland movement. The letters ‘Rise Up’ stand for:

  • Respond – to a disclosure with compassion and calm
  • Inform – the person where they can get help
  • Support – them appropriately and in a safe manner
  • Empower – them to grow and heal
  • Unite – with other members of Mothers’ Union
  • Pray – for an end to domestic abuse in the UK and around the world.

The photograph shows some of the members of the Radyr Mothers’ Union with the Bronze Award certificate which was presented to their Branch Leader, Angela Dart, at a service in Llandaff Cathedral on Friday 9th August.

The award was achieved by our group completing various tasks, one of which was to link with a local Women’s Aid group. Giselle Warren came to talk to us about the work of Cardiff Women’s Aid. At that meeting we had a bucket collection which raised £50.81 which would go towards ensuring that women, children and young people in crisis can access vital and life-changing support services. These services include a 24/7 helpline, emergency accommodation, support tailored for children and young people and aftercare and recovery services. Cardiff Women’s’ Aid allows women, children and young people to live a life free from fear and violence.

We are holding a service in Christ Church, Radyr on Saturday 23rd November at 11am, which will be part of the MU Rise Up campaign. There will be an exhibition called “Behind Closed Doors” which gives examples of different kinds of domestic abuse which people have experienced, with case studies from survivors, reflections and prayers. Please do come, we will be having a collection for the Cardiff Women’s Aid.