Our first Messy Church afternoon

Sunday 17 September 2023 saw the Garth Ministry Area’s first Messy Church run at Creigiau Church Hall.

We have all had the most wonderful afternoon at Messy Church Creigiau. The Church Hall was packed with parents, grandparents and children. There were joyful sounds of laughter, instrument playing, craft work, singing and praising. Thanks to Rev’d Sandra Birdsall who was central to the service, and Rev’d Ruth Coombs and Rev’d Belinda Huxtable who gave of their time to help make this a success. The people who did the organising and to all of the wonderful helpers on each of the “stations” which kept the children occupied with the most amazing craftwork.
Thanks also to the most wonderful ladies who worked behind the scenes to create a lovely buffet for all as well as soft drink, teas and coffees. Everyone worked so hard. Well done to all who helped make this a resounding success, including all of the Mums, Dads and Grandparents who took time out to bring their children along to this first event of Messy Church. We hope you all had as much fun as we did, and look forward to seeing you all at the next event!